Saturday, September 27, 2008


Saturday, 27th September

Enjoying this Indian Summer and feel a bit better.Stephen phoned about 9.30 looking for his Mum and Dad.I was so pleased he had passed his driving test. He says he’ll be another chauffeur for me and is giving me a lift tonight if I’m going out.Later he came along with Catherine and Arthur bringing my new mobile.Arthur had put in the Sim card, so it’s ready to use.It’s the same as the last one, but a bit more complicated.I don’t think I’ll be using email,internet,camera and so on.

Margo phoned,then Bobby.Going to cemetery to tidy up John’s grave.Told him to leave the geraniums and French marigolds just now, as they’re still blooming beautifully.House phone rang and it was Robert telling me they’re coming for lunch.Lovely to see them and of course Douglas was showing me how to work the phone.He took a photo of Lucy sitting at the table with us but then found a tiny mouse in the garden, quite traumatised, because Lucy had been playing with it. Kay picked it up and they put it in a sheltered spot.It would have been kinder to put it out of its misery, but neither Kay or I were capable of doing it. Robert was telling me about packing Douglas’s bag for the school camp.They really cheered me up.I really do feel blessed with them all.

Phoned Jean, as we had arranged to go to the Old Aberlady Inn, but we both feel we’d rather stay closer to home tonight,so we’re going to the Goth again.The meal was lovely there last time! Just back from Goth and we really enjoyed it, so that will do us for nights out for a week or two.

Friday,26th September

Yesterday another beautiful morning,so sat out in the garden most of the time.Thinking about John of course but mostly remembering all our happy years and counting my blessings. Bobby phoned, then Arthur. Margo came later to take me to the cemetery. She’d brought lovely flowers and we shed some tears but went along to the afternoon tea in the hall afterwards.Of course everyone was pleased to see her, as it’s mostly the golden oldies who go and she enjoyed the lovely home baking! Kay had phoned when we were out.Phoned back but she was out. Went to choir to practise the anthem for Sunday as it’s Harvest.It’s also shoebox time,but I’m just giving a donation this year.Kay had phoned again,but it was a bit late to phone back. I’ll speak to her tomorrow.Just saying cheerio when Louise came along.Felt really sorry for her, as her aunt whom she was very close to had just died and she was telling me her mum was moving away to live in Lanzarote permanently. However, she has lots of good friends and enjoys her job at PL.She’d brought me a lovely embroidered bookmark from the Katherine Mansfield centre in New Zealand and we had a good blether about fomner colleagues at Ross High and the English Syllabus this year.

Today, not feeling very great again, but got dressed, put the slap on as they say nowadays and did shopping etc.Relaxed in hairdresser with cup of tea.I find having my hair done quite therapeutic. Maybe I should try Indian head massage or something.

Watched Corrie.The cat's among the pigeons now all right!

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